Saturday, November 7, 2009

Business Development

Rute Photography is well underway to becoming Rute Media. Our team is growing stronger by the day. There are several new members that have recently joined our team adding great new talent and expertise. Additionally, we look forward to our new website, currently in the planning and design phase. Rute is undergoing a complete rebranding and overall that will make it an even stronger voice in the market.

Friday, October 2, 2009


The long and tedious process has begun, transforming Rute Photography into Rute Media. Many different items are currently under development with greatness planned for the new year. 2010 will mark the launch of a new type of company and a new approach to business while always maintaining our personal relationship with each client. We are building a highly skilled and motivated team that will further strengthen our business and provide our clients with an even greater wealth of knowledge and services. Rute Photography will always exist within Rute Media, but with a greater ability and level of resources. Please email us with any questions about services or ideas you may have.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Rute Photography is now Rute Media. Our brand has expanded and now offers services in Photography, Web Development / Design, Graphic Design, Branding, Hyperspot Technology, Celebrity Endorsement, and Fine Art Representation. Our new website is being created and will feature more in depth information as to what we do. Please contact us at Info@RutePhotography with any questions. Thank you


Sunday, June 21, 2009

A Surge of Architecture

Rute Photography has been focussing a great deal of time over the past couple months on architecture. Our imagery is focussing on restaurants, homes, and commercial spaces. With every shoot, a diverse set of items must be addressed and this exploration is what we look forward to.

Over the next couple weeks, our website will begin an updating process which will include additional images and more in depth information about Rute Photography. We look forward to its completion. Please feel free to send comments or a simple hello our way!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Immediate Future!

The next two months will bring a heavy focus on architecture and business development. Our business has decided to expand into other areas including a new addition, wedding photography. Our goal with this business is to keep it diverse and have fun with what we do. Diversity is not only beautiful in life but Photography!

Latest Endeavors

It has been a while since our last post; life has been beautifully busy! The trip was a great success and returning home was met with a long to do list. We spent the last two weekend shooting events for two wonderful groups. Our first weekend back, we donated our time and shot a large benefit for Paul MItchell Systems, Leeza Gibbons Memory Foundation, Larry King Cardiac Foundation, and Fran Drescher's Cancer Schmancer. The event started with a rapid fire portrait series with four portrait stations each with a celebrity. Guests came and had the opportunity to take one shot with each of the celebrities. It was probably the quickest photo we have ever taken. Time was of the essence. Photos were then captured of all the festivities that followed. The night was a great success and it was a wonderful feeling to be able to help them raise money which this year totaled over $900,000; a great amount of money for these charities.

This past weekend we shot the Circle of Care Foundation Fundraiser. The event was great and was able to raise a great deal of money to benefit this group that helps so many people in need. We shot stills and video of the entire event and space and met some wonderful people. We happened to bump into Leeza Gibbons two weeks in a row and discussed our desire to dedicate some of our time to working for these non-profits. She is an amazing sweet person who has a genuinely large heart.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Back in the USA

We landed safely back at LAX with feelings of withdrawal and rejoice. Our trip was without a doubt, one to remember. Thousands of images taken, many miles walked, and total satisfaction.
We quickly began processing additional images and adjusting back to life in Santa Barbara. The weather here has been great and very hot.
You can see images from our trip in the travel portfolio section on our website.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Last Taste of Amsterdam

"Suddenly waking up, Sergio rolls over amidst his dream to ask, what time is it? I replied, shit, it is 10:53 (knowing our shoot was at 11am)" With that story behind us, we were on scene and on time and as always prepared. A few hours later we had returned to Dam Square where we had met our model Stephanie. We had a great time working with her and enjoyed the last bit of sunny weather. There was a great deal of attention pointed at us during this shoot as we progressed through the red light district, down alley ways, and along the canals. It was a great jump off to our morning. We then returned to a local pub where we met a couple people from the states. They were a fun bunch and we enjoyed a few laughs.

As the afternoon passed on, we realized we had yet not eaten and therefore began our search for food. Our search ended with two doner schwarma filled with all the fix-ins. Two hours later... we then proceeded to the shop with the "best bread of my life". Unfortunately, she was closed and we left without bread. Immediately, we began walking towards the Anne Frank house. We entered with great expectation and respect. Although there was great history presented and information about the story and life of Anne Frank, we left not as moved as we would have thought. However, we do feel that it was a memorable experience and one that should not have been missed. The night ended with another doner which again was quite delicious.

As a the day came to rest, we realized our Amsterdam experience would soon be put on hold. This city has shown us its best side and given us perfect weather. The people, the sights, the sounds, and the smells have left us fulfilled till our next visit here. Amsterdam showed us another side of the world and a society that although differed very much from ours, functions perfectly well.

Tomorrow is back to London for two nights before our safe return home. We will see you soon!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Gift

Today was yet another memorable and rewarding day. The morning started with a load of laundry as it had been just over 10 days of traveling since we left LA. We grabbed a quick Chinese noodle dish as we waited. The light was beautiful, the air a bit warmer than yesterday, and everything was going quite well. In chatting with a local, they explained that today had been the most beautiful and best day they ever experienced in Amsterdam and that comment made me immediately smile. Not only were we experiencing a great city but with the pleasure of having record weather. We shot several restaurants and eateries while exploring Amsterdam. Again our feet took us everywhere, constantly immersed in everything around us.

Our appreciation for this city has developed into a firm relationship and people welcomed us in every which way. Today went perfectly from the view from the front of our hotel to the last look down the canal before we headed in. Today's gift came twice in the form of food and spirit. We stopped into a little bakery to take some pictures and ended up walking away with the most amazing bread/pasty creation that I have ever eaten; and I have eaten a lot. It was a raisin load bread with a huge amount of raisins lined with a fig and almond spice center. We quietly devoured this loaf by the nights end. Just two doors down, we photographed some Italian pasta which turned into an exceptional dinner.

Yesterday, we had met this lovely girl at a coffee shop and luckily tomorrow we will have the pleasure to shoot a fashion editorial shoot in Amsterdam. We are both very excited to capture beauty in face of beauty. What we thought would be a short walk turned into a long expedition with an intermission for a bier. The walk took a good part of two hours and again opened us to new areas of the city that looked nothing like what we had seen. Every corner looked like a different country. Countries noted include, Beijing, China, London, England, Paris, France, and San Francisco, CA. Many paces later, our relief came as we approached our home base in the red light district. Today was a gift for us in many ways and we hope that we can pass on this gift to others!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Amsterdam by foot

Another day of adventure and exploring. Amsterdam yet again treated our eyes to a spectacular show. The weather was perfect, the air calm and cool. We continued to see the inner workings of the city and look beyond the typical tourist point of view. We interacted with locals and foreigners and with every interaction we walked away with something new.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Amazing Amsterdam

Amsterdam has definitely grown on us and today's weather was perfect. We spent the day walking around new areas and continuing to explore the sights and sounds of Amsterdam. Peaceful water ways, blue skies, beautiful trees, and a soft breeze followed our every step. Boats gently cruised down the canals and people road their bikes and walked alongside. We listened to performers sing alongside outdoor cafe's and a man spit fire in new ways. The highlight of today came as we were crossed over a canal. A man on a small boat cruised to the foot of the bridge and armed with horns and a variety of instruments played the most beautiful and soothing music, stopping crowds of people in their tracks. For a few moments, we heard nothing but his instruments and felt the breeze across our bodies. Today was a great day!

Getting into the Groove of Amsterdam

Following up on yesterday... We found a small room yesterday afternoon on the 3rd floor of a very narrow building. Climbing up 50 steps (and I counted) with overweight bags and gear was no small feat. Once in the room, we happily laid down for a few moments of rest. Our little hotel was in a great area which made it very easy to walk around the central downtown area. As the sun began to descend, the air cooled and Amsterdam's night scene rose to life. We spent the next four hours walking around and really getting into taking pictures here. Although the sun only peeked through for a couple minutes, the light still had a beautiful feel. We explored Amsterdam's famous Red Light district, its many alley ways and canals, and took in the unique culture. After nearly two days of hectic traveling, we had settled into Amsterdam and taken a liking to it. The air is sweet smelling and around every corner is a new experience. We took photos in several bars and pubs and were met by very friendly people. Towards the end of our night, we came across a brilliantly lit carnival in the Dam Square. The lights seemed extra bright as people young and old enjoyed the festivities. Amsterdam had grown on us. The canals and paths alongside really make Amsterdam a charming and pleasant place.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Traveling: London to Amsterdam

Yesterday was our day of traveling which started out quite well and seemingly continued on forever. We woke up around 8am, packed our bags and headed to the train station. We would be taking one train to Brussels and then taking another train to Amsterdam. The first train took just over two hours and went very well, passing through beautiful country side. After an hour wait in the Brussels train station, we made our way onto another train crowded with people. The ride took closer to three hours although felt like an eternity. Multiple stops, people on and off and the desire to get settled made this ride a bit longer than it really was. However, we arrived safely into Amsterdam Central Station in the city center. After finding out some local information, we headed out to the city center just a few minutes down the road. Hotels, B&B's, hostels were all booked. Surprisingly, we had chosen the busiest day of the year. No rooms existed anywhere. We ended up taking a train back to the airport to find a hotel near there which ended up being a nice change from our previous room. Once checked in at the hotel, we set down our bags and went to use the hotels spa facilities to take away some of the stress of traveling. After cleaning up, we headed out to the city center and explored Amsterdam. Amsterdam is a city unto itself and no travel books or movies could ever depict this place. The city is dirtier than expected as trash lines every street. However, the canals and charming architecture make it a more pleasant experience. The weather is a bit overcast and hazy but at least there is no rain and we look forward to exploring the small streets and canals over the next few days. Amsterdam although very different from London, offers a wonderful list of attractions.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Continued Exploration of London!

Yesterday, we continued our exploration of the wonderful city of London. We both spent time shooting restaurants and B&B's in the afternoon and then took to an artistically motivated evening. The city is filled with interesting alley ways, parks, and little nooks that for us were great discoveries. As the sun went down the light turned a warm orange and radiated throughout the city. We saw the Tower Bridge and the London Bridge with a warm glow upon them as the sun dipped below the horizon. With the falling of the sun and the end of work, people flooded to the pubs. We were astounded at the numbers of people that crowded in and around countless pubs throughout the city enjoying countless pints of beer. Men and women joined together for an early evening drink to celebrate the end of their work week. It seemed as if they were giving away free beer when in fact this occurrence was merely a daily ritual. Later that evening, Sergio and I headed out to meet our friend Emily. She introduced us to a group of her friends whom we ate a wonderful indian meal with. It was a great experience eating with people from India, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabian. The people were extremely warm and friendly and the food was delicious. After dinner we headed back, picking up a drink along the way before calling it a night.

Today took a different course. The lack of sleep had caught up to us and we spent a couple more hours in bed than we traditionally would have. By the time we left the room, we headed out for some lunch and then spent some time prepping for our trip to Amsterdam. We spent the afternoon continuing to research our next location and meeting people at our local pub. After the pub, we headed to China town and spent the next couple hours taking pictures and doing an immense amount of walking. This trip has been not only a productive time for our eyes, but also our legs. We again explored new areas of the city before heading back to our place to catch some sleep.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Today was a day to remember. We met people of all types and dove deeper into the British culture. We saw great sights and walked a great distance. We explored the underground world of London and its tunnels and felt its heat every time we entered. The tube is a world in its own. Outside, the cold wind chills our every move while the underground offers new opportunities at every stop. For us, the tube was a transition and a time to breath. The streets were busy and people moved about their day without hesitation.
En route to Big Ben, we came across a protest staged by residents of Sri Lanka who were outraged at the atrocities occurring in their homeland. We briefly photographed this event and moved on towards new sights. Later in the evening, we found ourselves in a casino, not to gamble but to relax with a drink. We met a few very interesting and inspiring human beings. The night ended right with our spirits high and with great hope and expectation for tomorrow!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Adjusting to London

After finally getting some rest, we headed out to explore London. We constantly were amazed at all that surrounded us. The architecture is phenomenal. We spent a great deal of today walking and exploring the city by foot. London is a city filled with a diverse culture and a exciting buzz. There are people immersed in commerce and wearing expensive suits and those who merely spend their Monday afternoon in the park embracing the crisp air. We passed Buckingham Palace and several other impressive sights. For us, visiting the local pubs, talking to everyone that passed by and just observing what surrounded us were the highlights of our day. As we headed back towards the tube station, a man called us over to inquire if we were photographers. A short second later, he invited us into his shop. We then spent a couple minutes taking pictures and as a thank you the man made us a wonderful meal. It was a funny and unexpected experience but one that we will absolutely remember. We made our way back to the room and went to bed. It was a long day and a much deserved rest.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Touch Down in London, England

These posts will often be written when we are tired and or had a pint or two... Please take note...

We arrived today at 12:30 pm into London Hetherow Airport. Our plane touched down safely and with adrenaline filling our bodies, we began our journey. We rode the underground to our friends flat in east central London. The area is filled with restaurants, bars, culture, architecture, smart people and so much enticing and exciting sights. After unloading our bags, we jumped on the tube and headed towards Big Ben. The weather was spectacular, the light gorgeous, and although tired beyond belief, we spent the rest of our day and night getting into the British spirit. We saw Big Ben, St. Paul's Cathedal, the parliament, the themes, the London Eye, and many more sights. There were people everywhere! The sights, sounds, smells, and total experience was amazing. We had dinner at a warm, friendly pub and made our way back to the flat. After resting for a short time, we headed out to explore the local area and get a drink. Finally, we went to bed, excited for what tomorrow has to offer!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Off To Europe

Rute Photography will be traveling through Europe for two weeks in April. Please check back and follow us on our journey.


Saturday, February 14, 2009 Launches

Rute Photography is officially ruted online. We will be hitting the bright lights of Vegas next week for a Fashion Trade Show.